How to achieve all your 2020 goals
What is your target? What is that you are trying to achieve in 2020? Do you have a target? Do you know what you are trying to hit? Do you have a strategy? Are you having a proven system that will deliver what you need? Who are your team members?
I hope I have not lost you by asking too many questions. This morning during my run, I was meditating on what to write and encourage somebody today. The more I thought about it the more I realized that what has kept me and my wife exercising for 10 years can be summed up in one word HABIT. We are an ordinary couple who after many failed attempts finally figured out how to exercise, consistently, persistently and regularly. We exercise five times a week covering about 5 miles daily. The results are phenomenal.
As you look forward to 2020, it is important that you plan to form habits instead of looking for quick results. Be as specific as possible on the target you want to hit. But make sure that you start with the most important aspect of your life. Your health cannot be compromised if you want to be successful. It is compulsory for you to eat right and exercise regularly. If you are not already doing this, you are shooting yourself in the foot. You are sabotaging your own success and diminishing your ability to be massively successful.
Without good health, nothing else matters. You may be wondering how to go about taking back your health. Here is a proven system that has delivered for many people and will do the same for you.

What is your target for 2020? Do you have a system in place?
Join us for the 100-Day Clean Eating and Exercise Challenge: This is a Holistic approach to health, fitness, and wellness. We have been exercising for more than 10 years and a proud to present this system that delivers. There are no shortcuts, no gimmicks, and no false promises. You will experience total transformation with these 100 days. All we ask of you is that you grab your books and join others on this exciting and rewarding journey. Start 2020 by taking back your health. You must take back your health because everything else depends on one it.
Join the 100-Day Clean Eating and Exercise Challenge
Get your book here: 100 Days to Freedom: A Holistic Approach to Nutrition, Health, Fitness, and W……/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_iP.hCbXY4GEJ4 via @amazon
Get the workbook here: 100-Day Clean Eating and Exercise Challenge: A Companion Workbook To 100 Days……/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_pR.hCbMZYPQK6 via @amazon
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